Terms & Conditions

Welcome to www.brightlifematrimony.com ! ! !

We wishes you to find a best life partner through our Website.

1. Eligibility

(a) Brightlife membership and rights of admission is reserved solely for:

(b) Compulsory member have to you confirm that you are:

Brightlife matrimony are expected to be cautious of prospects who ask for favours, money etc or call from multiple phone numbers, only interact over phone, doesn't come forward for face to face meeting (physically or through video calls) and don't involve family and friends in match making. Beware of suspended profiles status before you finalize an alliance with the prospect.

Marriages are made in heaven, everybody knows it, but that doesn't means we have to depend on our Luck. First of all we have to try our best effort and 100% hard work, co-ordination, communication that can be create or achieve the success 90% only 10% depending on both member. As per the Brightlife matrimony rules, before registration member should oblige with these terms and conditions.

2. Security

Your account is private and should not be used by anyone else. You are responsible for all usage or activity on the Website by users using your password. Including but not limited to use of your password by any third-party.