Offline Services

Brightlife Matrimony started offline service from 2012. When a member requires a suitable profile, it can be availed not only Online but also Offline. Because there is so many members who are not acquainted with online service and not interested for online proposal. Several issues arises, as some rural areas doesn't have proper Internet access. Mostly rural place brides or grooms parents prefer only offline candidates. We have assigned lot of proposal through our Local mediator who properly understands the rural area proposal and provides the proper solution.

We require some documents format which is mandatory for valuable member. Bio-data format, Hardcopy of photo, Horoscope format, Address Proof, Aadhar copy, e-mail address and verified mobile number. Local mediator will handle all proposal as per the Brightlife term and condition. We are not charging any extra fees against the paid membership packages. If a member successfully finds a suitable partner through mediator, then that concern parties have to pay a nominal charge only. At various local area we have assigned our mediators who takes the proposal and resolves it swiftly and conveniently.